FUSE: Speak UP! With Samrai & Taxi Cab Industries

We are delighted to welcome FUSE to Colony Fabrica as part of our launch event partners.
FUSE organise meet ups and 'speak ups' for artists from underrepresented backgrounds. For this event they will be inviting attendees to come and work from the venue during the day before the speak-up starts in the evening.
SPEAKER: Samrai / @deejaysamrai
Producer, DJ, Educator & Director – Samrai has performed, recorded & delivered workshops all over Europe as well as in Armenia, Canada, Colombia, Jamaica, India & Thailand. He has been a guest on BBC Asian Network, Radio 1, 1Xtra & BBC 6 Music as well as co-hosting a monthly radio show on NTS Live (2015-2021)
SPEAKER: Amrit Randhawa / @taxicabindustries
Taxi Cab Industries is the graphic design and art practice of Amrit Randhawa, based in Manchester, UK – often creating contemporary typographic pieces, prints, and posters. He's also the designer behind Samrai's 'Work & Roti'!
19:00 - 19:30 - Welcome & Networking
19:30 - 20:00 - 1st Guest Speaker - DJ Samrai
20:00 - 20:30 - Drinks break
20:30 - 21:00 - 2nd Guest Speaker
21:00 - 21:30 - Networking & close
Want to get work from our venue during the day? No problem! Every ticket comes with a Free Day Pass to use on the day at Fabrica.
Check out more events at Fabrica here