Colony Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all members booking workspace at any Colony Cowork location, whether booking in person, via our website, other digital channels, or through a third party.
We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and you should therefore check them each time you make a booking.
Additional terms and conditions may apply depending on whether you book a Day Pass, fixed-term or rolling membership or leased office space. These will always be communicated to you separately.
Company name and registered offices: Colony Coworking Ltd, 24 Hood Street, Ancoats, Manchester, M4 6WX
Company number: 11341416
Email address:
Telephone number: 0161 974 3210
These apply to any person; visitors or members at any Colony Cowork location.
- Colony staffed hours are 9am - 5.30pm – only Colony Members are authorised to be on-site outside of these hours.
- During your induction tour, you will have been shown where the fire exits are located, if unsure please ask a member of staff to clarify. It is your responsibility to not obstruct these entrances and exits.
- Colony collaboration areas are accessible to all members and guests. Guests are not permitted to sit in a workstation position unless a Day Pass has been purchased.
- All guests and Day Pass users must sign in at the Colony reception.
- Anyone who behaves in a manner that puts the health and safety of members or staff at risk or makes anyone feel uncomfortable will be asked to leave.
- Equipment and liability insurance is your own responsibility so please take care of your belongings.
- Considerable thought has been put into the look, feel and aesthetic of the Colony Workspace. We ask everyone to take steps to remove and dispose of litter from their work area and to utilise the bins and dishwashers provided.
- We all love music. However, if you are listening to music or audio of any kind, please do so using headphones/earphones at a level which is unnoticeable to other co-workers.
- Please use the private booths for telephone conversations which may cause overt disturbance to others and refrain from walking around the space on the phone where possible.
- Although a dog-friendly space, dogs must be kept near the owner on a lead and are not permitted to roam free or sit on the furniture. If in a carpeted area, dogs must be on their own dog bed.
- You will be provided access to a Colony WiFi network via a password. Please do not share the password with anyone.
- Booths and collaboration spaces are free to use on a fair usage policy, Please take note of the time limit stated in each area.
- Memberships are individual and non-transferable unless otherwise stated in writing from Colony.
- We do not place a limit on the number of hours or days Co-working members can access the Co-working space. However, it is noted that Floating Desk and collaborative areas are not designed to be a permanent workspace, and we reserve the right to terminate membership with immediate effect if we feel a member's use of the space is impeding other members from having fair use of the space.
- Co-working members can bring up to 1 guest at a time into the Colony Collaboration Areas free of charge for a maximum of 1 hour. This is for the purpose of meeting; not working individually. Additional guests/hours will be charged at a rate of £10/hr.
- This licence covers the total number of services listed, contracted for the minimum term until at least the earliest date.
- The earliest end date is the last day of the calendar month, specified by the 'minimum lease term' unless otherwise defined on page one.
Fully detailed Membership Terms & Conditions are stated within the Membership Licence agreement which members will have a signed copy of. Should you need a new copy please email
1. Use of rooms
The hirer shall not permit more than the maximum number of people specified to be in any meeting room at any time. Should there be an increase/decrease in the booked number of delegates, scheduled visitors or guests on the day(s) of hire, the hirer shall be fully liable for any extra charge(s) incurred by Colony and risk being unable to proceed with the booking with no refund.
2. Noise
The hirer, their staff, agents or visitors must not make or permit to be made any noise which may interfere with the use of other rooms within the building by other hirers, members of Colony or adjoining neighbours.
3. Cleanliness and Breakages
The hirer must leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition. The hirer must indemnify the owners against any loss, theft or damage however caused, during or in respect of the period of hire.
4. Catering
Self Catering is allowed on the premises. Colony cannot accept responsibility for the content or quality of items that are not directly sourced from Colony.
When catering is ordered through ourselves Colony will endeavour to meet our hirer's dietary requirements. Should a guest attending have a food allergy, it is the hirer's responsibility to inform Colony 48 hours in advance of the event to allow our caterer for that individual.
If a dietary requirement is not pre-booked or requested on the day, Colony will make every effort to cater for said guest, however, this may incur a supplement charge.
In the case of some allergies, a separate plate of food will be prepared and identified to the hirer with the individual requirement catered for.
In the case of very severe allergies Colony asks that the guest brings their own food into our venues for their consumption, Colony requests the booker informs us 48 hours in advance.
Our caterer makes every effort to identify allergens used as a deliberate ingredient and prevent contact contamination throughout our food production. However, due to the possible risk of cross-contamination in our public areas, Colony cannot guarantee that food does not contain allergens other than those intended.
5. Third Parties
Applications or bookings on behalf of a third party must be declared at the time of the application or booking.
Third parties, such as booking agents, can only be paid commission by prior agreement in writing. All commissions are to be paid by us after the event/s by BACS transfer, on receipt of a valid VAT invoice.
Third parties making applications or bookings are responsible for the payment to us of all hire charges, fees and indemnifications mentioned in these terms and conditions.
6. Applications / Requests for Hire
Colony reserves the right to refuse applications or requests for hire.
7. Use of Premises
The hirer, staff, servants, agents and visitors must only use those meeting rooms which are specified in the hire arrangement. The hirer, staff, servants, agents and visitors must vacate the building by the time specified. The Hirer shall indemnify Colony from and against any loss caused by the hirer, staff, servants, agents and visitors failing to vacate the building by the time specified.
Colony reserves the right to charge the hirer for the use of the premises should the hirer, staff, servants, agents or visitors fail to vacate the building by the time specified.
8. Equipment
Equipment provided by external suppliers or the meeting organiser is not the responsibility of Colony. Equipment provided by Colony shall be at the risk of the hirer during or in respect of the period of hire. Colony agrees to use reasonable endeavours to provide the equipment and perform the services specified in relation to the Event. Colony does not however accept any liability for any failure to provide equipment or perform services where that failure is beyond the reasonable control of Colony. Colony does not accept any liability for any loss or damage which arises directly or indirectly out of the use of the equipment or the performance unless such loss arises from the negligence of the Colony staff. The hirer agrees to indemnify Colony against any claim for any such loss or damage.
9. Indemnification
The Hirer shall indemnify Colony from and against:
All claims demands, actions or proceedings in respect of the death or injury howsoever and whomsoever caused of or to any persons which shall occur or arise from any accident or occurrence which shall happen while such person is on or upon any part of the premises during the period of hire or in respect of any loss or damage suffered or sustained by any person in consequence of any such death or injury, all claims, demands, actions, or proceedings and any loss, damage or injury which may be brought against or suffered by the owners arising from or in consequence of the non-observance or non-performance of any of these Conditions of Hire or any act, neglect, default or omission of the hirer, his/her agents, servants or visitors, any claim under copyright law.
10. Filming and Photography
No filming or photography in the building without prior written permission from Colony.
11. Payment
When agreed in advance with Colony, fees must be paid within 7 days of the invoice being issued. On all other occasions, the fees must be paid before the hirer uses the centre.
12. Refunds
When making discretionary refunds Colony reserves the right to withhold monies equivalent to any fees charged by a third party in respect of the refund and original payment. Third parties include but are not limited to, credit card companies, banks, financial institutions and online payment systems.
13. Public and Political Meetings
The hirer, their staff, agents or visitors must not allow a public or political meeting to take place in the building without prior written permission from Colony.
14. Music
The hirer must not make or broadcast music without the express permission of Colony. The hirer must in such cases organise directly with the Performing Rights Society or Mechanical Copyright Society or other bodies for any licence required for the use of copyright material.
15. Exclusion of Third Party Rights
Each party confirms that no term of this Agreement is enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by a person who is not a party to this Agreement.
18. Colony Reserves the right to cancel any booking
A minimum of 14 days' notice will be given in the event of cancellation by Colony.
On the day of the hire the owners reserve the right to terminate the letting forthwith if, in their opinion, The Hirer, their staff, agents or visitors are in breach of any of the terms and conditions of hire. In that event The Hirer, their servants, staff, agents or visitors are required to leave the premises immediately, taking with them their possessions and equipment. In the event of the hire being terminated in such a manner, the owners will not be responsible for any claims, losses, actions or damages incurred by or on behalf of The Hirer, their servants, staff, agents or visitors in respect of this termination. Nor will any hire charge be waived.
Please be advised cancellations and changes must be confirmed in writing. The relevant notice period becomes effective on receipt of that written confirmation. Costs for cancellations are calculated as shown below including room hire and catering (as applicable).
This policy is to ensure all meeting rooms are open to all tenants to reserve and to prevent unnecessary over-booking.
Please be advised rescheduling of a reservation is permitted within 3 working days of the original request; otherwise, the below charges do apply.
Meeting room cancellation charges are as follows:
- Notice period before the first day of hire: 14 days +
- Cancellation Cost as % of the value of total booking: 0%
- Notice period before the first day of hire: 7-14 days
- Cancellation Cost as % of the value of total booking: 25%
- Notice period before the first day of hire: Less than 7 days
- Cancellation Cost as % of the value of total booking: 50%
- Notice period before the first day of hire: Same Day
- Cancellation Cost as % of the value of total booking: 100% (inc. Catering)
Any cancellations by The Hirer must be made in writing - this can be via email. email:
In partnership with third-party company service provider, Virtual Headquarters Limited, ta/ Virtual Headquarters, Colony permits the use of ‘Colony Piccadilly’ and ‘Colony Jactin House’ addresses as virtual offices.
- Virtual Office
Customers may use Colony Coworking addresses as their business trading address and NOT their Company Registered Address unless stated within their Confirmation Email. If a registered address service is offered or added to your account, upon the termination of our contract you agree to inform Companies House of the change of address giving sufficient notice for this to be processed within 20 days.
Incoming mail will be handled as per your selection during sign up. We will receive mail addressed to you at this address between the hours of 9am-5.30pm (excluding weekends and public holidays). The post forwarding service is based on a fair usage policy. Under this policy, if at any time, we deem you exceed the level of use reasonably expected from someone using this service, then we reserve the right to suspend your Virtual Office. In such an event we will contact you in an effort to establish a reasonable usage charge that will permit you to continue to use the Virtual Office service. We also reserve the right to open any items before collection or forwarding that may be suspected of containing dangerous or illegal objects/substances or to provide information to the police or other investigative bodies where it is our belief that our services are being or have been used for criminal or fraudulent purposes.
- Mail forwarding
All mail delivered to you at the Colony Virtual Office address will be forwarded by first class Royal Mail to the address (United Kingdom only) specified by you during the sign-up process as soon as reasonably possible after receipt at the Colony Virtual Office address. In the event that mail delivered to you at the Colony Virtual Office address is not addressed in such a way that we are able to verify from the outside packaging that it is addressed to you, we reserve the right to open such mail to determine for whom it is intended. In partnership with Virtual Headquarters, we cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for any mail forwarded on behalf of the client. Colony retains the right to return to sender any post or parcels that are not collected within 1 month of receipt and return to sender any mail received after the end date of this agreement.
- Parcels
We discourage the delivery of parcels at our locations. Maximum parcel size accepted is 50 x 50 x 50cm = 5Kg. We will not accept any items exceeding this or if they contain any dangerous, live or perishable goods. Due to the nature of parcel delivery companies, in that there are no set or expected delivery times, we will not accept responsibility (however infrequent) for parcels that fail to be delivered due to a member of staff not being available to accept the delivery. Outgoing parcels are charged at Royal Mail’s current franking rates plus a 20% admin charge. You agree for these fees to be included in your invoice for that calendar month, to be collected in line with your billing cycle.
- GMB profiles
You can use our virtual offices in line with Google’s guidelines, if for any reason your profile is flagged and additional verification is requested this is your responsibility not that of Colony or Virtual Headquarters. No refunds will be provided if you are unable to use the address for this purpose.
Full terms & conditions can be found on