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How to Implement Mental Health Standards in your Workplace

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10 October 2023

For both employers and employees having a clear and easy to follow mental health policy and strategy is essential to staff wellbeing. But how do you get started? Mental health charity, Mind, have put together a guide to help businesses like those in our coworking community put core mental health standards in place. Read our summary of the guide here.

Implementing Workplace Mental Health Standards

Implementing Workplace Mental Health Standards

Today, on World Mental Health Day, the theme is "Mental Health is a Universal Human Right." As a workspace provider in a fast paced city like Manchester, we recognize the importance of promoting mental health in the workplace. For both employers and employees, having a well thought out mental health policy and strategy is not only great for wellbeing but great for your business too!

Many of the businesses in coworking communities who are just starting out may not have got to the point on their journey where they have implemented their own mental health standards. Getting started with this process might seem daunting but the mental health charity, Mind, has made it a lot easier by issuing this guide to implementing mental health standards in your workplace! We've summarised the core standards for you below and encourage you to download the guide to get access the full plan so you can get started on improving mental health standards in your workplace today.

Photo by Antonio Janeski

Core Workplace Mental Health Standards:

Core Standard One: Produce, Implement, and Communicate a Mental Health at Work Plan

Why Have a Mental Health at Work Plan? Supporting mental health is beneficial for both employees and businesses. Mind's Workplace Wellbeing Index highlights that many employees experience poor mental health, and addressing this can reduce absenteeism and improve overall wellbeing.

Supporting Small and Large Organizations: Regardless of the size of your organization, creating a mental health plan is essential. Larger organizations may have organization-wide policies, while smaller ones can integrate the plan into existing procedures.

Core Standard Two: Develop Mental Health Awareness Among Employees

Why Mental Health Awareness Matters: Mental health remains a taboo topic in many workplaces, leading to employees avoiding discussions about their mental health. Raising awareness and promoting discussion can help challenge this culture.

Building Mental Health Literacy: Equip employees with knowledge and skills to manage their mental health and support others. This can be achieved through training, inviting mental health speakers, and using various communication channels.

Core Standard Three: Encourage Open Conversations About Mental Health

Offering Mental Health Support: Supporting mental health should be an ongoing process, starting from recruitment and continuing throughout employment. Consider what support is provided for employees experiencing mental health issues and whether employees understand the available support.

Support at Different Stages: During recruitment, communicate the organization's commitment to equal opportunities and the value placed on mental health. Ensure applicants can disclose confidentially and that health information is kept separate from the application form.

Core Standard Four: Provide Good Working Conditions and Work/Life Balance

What Makes Work Good? Good working conditions, a healthy work/life balance, and opportunities for development are crucial. These factors not only inspire loyalty and high performance but also prevent and support mental health problems.

Core Standard Five: Promote Effective People Management

Why Good Management Matters: Managers play a vital role in workplace wellbeing. Good management is linked to good health, wellbeing, and performance, while poor management can lead to stress and burnout. Simple steps like regular catch-ups and clear priorities can make a significant difference.

Core Standard Six: Routinely Monitor Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing

Monitoring Mental Health and Wellbeing: Developing a clear picture of your organization's mental health is essential. This involves understanding what affects employees' mental wellbeing, assessing the effectiveness of your approach, and planning improvements. Use existing tools like staff surveys and HR data to gather information.

By implementing these core workplace mental health standards, organizations in Manchester and beyond can create a supportive and mentally healthy work environment for all employees, contributing to better overall wellbeing and productivity. Remember, mental health is a universal right, and it's crucial to prioritize it in the workplace.

Free support is available to you:

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health or wellbeing you can reach out for support through Mind via this link here.

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