Colony Co-Working Space Manchester Colony Co-Working Space Manchester

Wellness Tips to Get You Through Blue Monday 2025

Colony Co-Working – Down Arrow

16 January 2025

Say goodbye to the January blues! Here are some simple ways to give yourself a little boost when you're feeling low.

We can’t believe we’re already halfway through January!

This time every year, the term “January blues” gets flung around a lot and (subconsciously or otherwise), gets everyone feeling down in the dumps.

This is especially true for “Blue Monday”, apparently the gloomiest day in January due to a combination of bad weather, the post-Christmas slump, over-indulgence, and tight finances.

But this is Manchester. When has a touch of bad weather and over-indulgence ever brought us down before?

With that in mind, at Colony, we’re casting aside the dark cloud of “Blue Monday” in favour of ✨ positive vibes only ✨... after all, it was made up by a travel company to sell winter holidays back in 2005!

This Monday, we’re thinking about wellness and what we can do in and around Colony to give ourselves a little boost when we’re feeling low.

Here are a few ideas we’ve come up with...

Colony Jactin House


Studies show that when you socialise with those around you (including co-workers), you are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer. Colony events are a great way to meet new members and bond over shared interests.

Go for a walk

Ancoats is always a vibe, with its cobbled streets and old redbrick mills. Plus, it’s just a two-minute walk from New Islington Marina and Cotton Field Park. This is a fab route for a lazy stroll to get some fresh air and admire the resident swans.

Eat well

A balanced diet can do wonders for your brain and body. We host alternating brunches on Thursdays with a range of delicious breads, fillings, salad bits, and sweet treats to keep you going until you log off.

Colony community brunch


Exercise causes your brain to release 'feel-good' chemicals like endorphins and serotonin, which help boost your mood. Our Sunrise Yoga socials are a nice opportunity to relax and unwind, while the Colony Card offers discounts at a selection of gyms, personal trainers, and classes.

Practise mindfulness

It’s easy to get lost in our thoughts and forget how they affect our emotions and behavior - we essentially end up living in our own heads! Taking a moment to check in with your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and the world around you is the first step toward mindfulness. The Silk Street or Jactin House rooftops, or even the Silk Street Meditation Room, are great spots to practise.

Useful contacts

Most people feel low sometimes, but if you're finding it hard to cope with low mood, sadness, or depression, you can visit the NHS website for advice or speak to your GP about getting professional help.

We’re also using this as an opportunity to raise money for Samaritans, a fantastic charity that offers support to anyone going through a tough time. Every donation helps someone find the support they need when they need it most. You can find out more about how to make a donation online here.

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